I Started My Blogging Journey in 2024

Do you want to start a blog and make it a career?

Yeah! It is possible to perform both simultaneously!

After all, what could be better than pursuing your passion while simultaneously earning a passive income?

Over the past four years, I have assisted thousands of users just like you in starting their own blogs.

Why Start a Blog?

There are many reasons why people start blogging, but the following are some of the most common:

Sharing new learnings

Recording considerations

Recurring, automated revenue and bringing in cash

Free devices and stuff for survey

Free travel

Or then again some other

 Yours may be one of the aforementioned or other reasons; in any case, blogging may assist you in achieving your objective.

Thus, immediately, we should figure out how you can begin a blog today.

Step 1: Choosing a Blog Topic

The absolute first thing you want to do is track down the specialty of your blog.

Finding a subject matter for your blog is what I mean by “niche.”

Even if you’re a master of none and want to start a blog on a variety of subjects, it won’t be successful because readers prefer to subscribe to blogs that are experts in their field.

Step 2: Choose the platform for your blog

The primary response you ought to have is, where would it be a good idea for you to make your blog?

The WordPress platform is where most bloggers start their blogs.

WordPress is well known on the grounds that it’s not difficult to utilize.

You are ready to engage in something more meaningful once you have completed the testing period.

Get a WordPress blog, but keep in mind that self-hosted WordPress blogs and WordPress.com are not the same thing.

Step 3: Choose your blog’s hosting and domain name

The URL that a visitor will use to open a blog is called a domain name.

You can select the best name for your new blog by following a few rules.

Prioritize a.com domain name above all others.

Your domain name should be simple to say and type.

Step 4: Introduce WordPress on the Blog

WordPress will be installed on a web host.

This is a server that stays online 24*7 and all your future blog pictures, your blog plan and all that will be put away on this server (facilitating).

There are a lot of hosting companies, but Bluehost is the best option for your blog because it has everything you need to start one.

Step 5: Set up the blog’s design

The design of your blog is the most important part because a good design will make your visitors love your blog.

The term “WordPress themes” refers to a concept in WordPress.

These are instant plans that are accessible for a wide range of websites.

Numerous free and paid WordPress themes are available.

Step 6: Install the best plugins for WordPress

There are tens of thousands of plugins for WordPress available.

Here are modules that you ought to have on your recently made WordPress blog:

WordPress.com’s Yoast SEO ShortPixels Jetpack Step 7: Write the first post for your blog.

The real fun starts when you write your first article.

You can use these guidelines to help you decide what to write about in your first blog post.

All aspects of your subject matter should be covered in your content.

Try not to duplicate pictures from Google.

Maybe utilize these destinations to download allowed to utilize pictures.

Step 8: Share Your Write-up with the World

Make your blog social after you have established it so that your readers can join your community.

You simply have to begin and don’t bother focusing, as again I’m here to direct you with the best assets.

Step 9: Adapt Your Blog

There are numerous ways by which your blog can procure automated revenue for you.

Here are the absolute most famous ways:

Setup of Google AdSense Affiliate Marketing Sponsored Content (get paid to write about other people) Direct ad sales Own digital products like eBooks and online courses Amazon Affiliate Program Drive Traffic and Acquire Openness.

If you follow the instructions provided here, your blog will become more visible in Google searches.

There are now a lot of methods available to you to drive traffic to your brand-new blog.


Welcome to the universe of publishing content to a blog!

I tried to cover as much as I could for someone just starting out, but if you still have questions before starting a Word Press blog, feel free to leave a comment. If you’ve been considering starting a blog for some time, please forward this guide to them.



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