fHow to make money on YouTube

YouTube was the last company to earn more than $20k per month.

In 2015, I began with no prior knowledge of the field and progressed incrementally.

Did I accomplish something remarkable? I don’t think so.

Could you at any point duplicate me? Probably, as I created approximately ten channels that generated revenue

To elaborate, YouTube is only one illustration. It very well may be Instagram, Web journals, Facebook, Amazon, Outsourcing, and so on.

I used all free online resources to study. I joined social networking groups for professionals, read blogs, and watched videos on YouTube. A deep dive was involved. 30 days in a row, 12 hours per day

I recruited my most memorable free-lancers. Due to my lack of pricing knowledge, they were expensive. In any case, my team included a voice actor, scriptwriter, and video editor. The objective was to produce 1-2 videos each week.

I purchased all of the available courses and consultations regarding YouTube optimization and earning money. Even though some of them were bad, even the bad ones made me think of interesting things.

The primary channel produced misfortune consistently. I began working in analytics. Compiled a task list for each video Like a quality picture, video length, labels, title depiction. A portion of the recordings started becoming famous online.

Subsequent to arriving at initial 500-1000$ in month to month benefit I purchased new channels on the picnic blog and employed new specialists. Between October and December of 2017, we produced between 120 and 150 videos per month and earned between $30 and $65,000 per month.

I sold all diverts in August 2018 for six figures.

What I’m attempting to say. You don’t require colossal ventures and information.

You have to be curious and consider what comes next. What if? Continue to test and iterate. And it doesn’t matter what you do.

Explore. Expand your area.

I wish you success in your conflicts.

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