One of the most important objectives for many people trying to make money online is to generate passive income. The goal is to set up a system once and have it run automatically, letting you sit back and collect recurring commissions without having to do anything else.
In this post, I’ll show you a straightforward but effective method for earning affiliate commissions without having to do anything each month. Only one initial setup is required—no website, followers, or video creation required!
Let’s get started on the detailed plan
Step 1: Join a network of affiliates
A lucrative affiliate offer to promote is the first part we need. Without creating our own product, we are able to earn commissions from sales thanks to this.
Click Bank, JV Zoo, Share sale, and Warrior Plus are some of the best affiliate networks. They give you access to thousands of deals in every possible niche.
Center around evergreen, repeating items and administrations that clients keep utilizing a large number of months
Digital services, subscriptions, and software are ideal.
Sign up to be an affiliate once you’ve found a good deal. You will receive a one-of-a-kind tracking link from this that pays you per conversion.
Step 2: Make an account on Instagram Threads
A platform to share our affiliate links and generate free traffic is next. Threads is a good option for this.
You can make detailed “threads” with Threads, which are long posts that spread across multiple tweets and tell a story or offer advice.
The most important thing is that helpful, popular threads can easily spread like wildfire on Twitter and Threaded, attracting tens or hundreds of thousands of views.
Pursue a free record. We will create threads that attract our intended audience by utilizing this platform.
Step 3: Look into potential topics
Now is the time to come up with thread ideas that are related to your affiliate offer and will benefit readers.
videos. Find articles in your field that are in-depth and instructive.
Take a look at the posts to find key takeaways, statistics, and tips. Our threads will be organized around this.
Step 4: Make AI-based thread outline designs
This is where AI really comes in handy. We can use Chat GPT to create engaging thread outlines from our content research.
Simply paste the link to a blog post into Chat GPT and ask it to generate a topic-specific thread outline.
For instance: Based on this blog post, please outline a 10 tweet thread on increasing YouTube views.”
Stats, advice, examples, and other elements of a great thread structure will be generated by Chat GPT. that can now be divided into threads.
Step 5: In Instagram Threads, create your own thread
Open the post editor in Threads once more. Create a compelling title and introduction tweet that are pertinent to your audience.
Then, tweet by tweet, begin adding the thread outline. Adjust the AI’s language to sound more human and incorporate your affiliate offer.
To make it stand out, add statistics, advice, info graphics, emoji, gifs, and more. Post the finished thread online.
Step 6: Make use of your thread
Promote your new thread via engagement on Twitter, relevant groups, and social media for maximum visibility.
Additionally, share it natively on Twitter. To build community, follow and interact with people in your field.
Think about sharing old threads again and again on occasion. If you’re promoting a YouTube SEO software, search Google for blog posts on ranking YouTube audiences over time. This helps them continue reaching new
Step 7: Repeat as necessary
Using affiliate promotions, you can create multiple recurring passive income streams using this straightforward formula.
Repeat the AI outlining procedure, research new thread ideas, and locate a new affiliate offer.
Spend an hour each week creating new threads. They will constantly promote your links.
Earn passive commissions right now
And that is the plan for making affiliate sales without having to do anything!
You can begin receiving commission checks month after month with just a small investment of time in creating viral threads.
Prioritize providing genuine value via useful content. Affiliate commissions will follow once you establish authority and trust.
Please let me know if you have any additional ideas for passive income that you would like to see covered!