How I Sell Digital Products on Amazon in 2024

Guide to selling books, art, and music I remember ordering my first ebook. It was a Yoga Manual (I don’t recall the name). I wrapped it in brown paper bearing my name and the Amazon logo.

Try not to ask the cost. I purchased a hardcover one. I was obsessed with having a little library for myself in those days.

Be that as it may, Amazon wasn’t just for actual items. I found digital books solely after involving Amazon for right around 1 year. Dresses, mobile laptop accessories, earphones, natural hair products, and other items were on my wish list. Seeing my list of things to get you can say that I am wild about footwear!

Because I didn’t like the idea of reading my favourite books in digital format, I consider myself to be somewhat traditional. However, that did not last very long.

Starter as a skeptic (my affection for the actual variant won’t end soon!) My current Kindle contains more than 240 ebooks—both paid and free—for an avid reader.

They were less expensive and substantially more effective when I began going interestingly and felt alone. I felt happy with perusing books as opposed to conversing with anybody. On the off chance that you are a self observer, you know the inclination.

From a peruser soon I turned into an essayist. The change won’t take long at all! Believe me!

If you have any desire to turn into a vender on Amazon then computerized item is the best recurring, automated revenue you can attempt today. No age bunch. No requirement for mastery.

Believe me

In the event that you know..

the most effective method to cook…

instructions to compose…

know how to alter YouTube recordings…

Perhaps you are an illustrations craftsman that will look wonderful on shirts?

Or on the other hand perhaps you are an essayist very much like me and need to get your piece distributed on Amazon?


Then, at that point, Amazon will assist you with transforming your side interest into a lucrative machine.

The most awesome aspect for me isn’t to manage delivering any actual items. Therefore, my client can only read the digital version by downloading it. There is no waiting for someone to arrive. Nothing!

Best part? eBooks are accessible to my readers everywhere! mobile or laptop. Nothing to worry about!

You must be wondering whether you can sell digital products on Amazon. How to make them? Furthermore, what precisely do you want to turn into a computerized item vender on Amazon?‍‍

In this article, I will list the best computerized items you can sell on Amazon too as how you can sell them and increment deals on Amazon.

In the event that this is thus, read along.

What digital goods are available for sale on Amazon?

An ebook was the starting point seven years ago. I don’t know how Amazon’s Computerized commercial center was way before that. But ebooks were very popular.

Perhaps many don’t have the foggiest idea yet Amazon makes over 60% of their absolute pay from digital books alone. Amazon was designed specifically for ebook sales. Later, additional products were added. Nobody at any point realized somebody could turn into this arrive at selling digital books alone!

Presently it has added a lot more computerized items than any time in recent memory. A significant number of you might be an essayist so digital books are the best automated source of income you ought to attempt. Be that as it may, in the event that you need something new then look at this rundown.

I’m certain you will find something helpful!

Here are advanced items you can begin selling on Amazon FBA:

1. eBooks

This has to be listed first because ebooks bring in a lot of money. Ebooks alone account for the majority of my income.

Beside distributing my actual duplicates of my book, I likewise distribute my digital book utilizing Amazon’s Arouse Straightforwardly Distributing. So, I’ll call this KDP. There are such countless types to sell in.

I mostly write non-fiction and romance/horror (at this point, I only write non-fiction; my tastes change over time). Here are some categories you can try: The twelve most popular fiction genres on Amazon are:






Analyst and Secret


Thrill ride


Verifiable Fiction

Youthful Grown-up (YA)

Youngsters’ Fiction

And genuine? The eighteen most well known genuine classes on Amazon are:

Diary and Life account



Craftsmanship and Photography

Self improvement/Self-awareness


Wellbeing and Wellness


Creates, Side interests and Home

Families and Connections

Humor and Amusement

Business and Cash

Regulation and Criminal science

Legislative issues and Sociologies

Religion and Otherworldliness

Training and Educating


Genuine Wrongdoing

Sell anything you like! Amazon has an exceptionally enormous client base. So you’ll be able to be seen by a large number of month to month perusers.

From my experience, KDP is a platform that is simple to use. Expertise is not required! It permits me not exclusively to distribute my digital books in no time flat yet in addition can hold command over where my books are sold and at what costs and so on.

2. Audiobooks

Audiobooks generate my next highest sales, following ebooks.

I’m almost certain you probably heard Perceptible. Perhaps as a client?

I can use ACX to create and publish my audiobook with Amazon’s Audible. Audiobook production can be a little challenging. I will suggest that you utilize ACX services for that. Fiverr is somewhere else to go however ensure you see the Vender’s appraising prior to recruiting anybody.

3. Designs and computerized workmanship

I caught wind of Amazon Merchandise when I needed to begin something connected with Case. I was, however, turned down by Amazon merchandise.

Be that as it may, assuming that you are a visual craftsman or picture taker in view of new extraordinary imaginative plans, then I will encourage you to sell your plans on Amazon Merchandise. Your designs will be printed on T-shirts if you use this platform! That’s the whole point of POD!

Simply transfer the plan and when your plan is chosen by a client, Amazon will make the actual item and you will make an eminence from that. Keep printing money with a single design!

4. Programming and applications

I’m certain you have barely any insight into this. Since very few know that you can trade even programming on Amazon!

That is the justification for why we say you can purchase ANYTHING on Amazon!

I appreciate Amazon’s application, software, and game development and distribution platform.

not just in the US. or only in a select few nations. Yet, I can sell my tech-related items in excess of 200 nations!

That just method more cash for me!

I have recently joined with an Amazon Designer account. It unquestionably will require investment to be endorsed. I will have access to Amazon’s API when it is finished.

I can’t wait to publish my old software in one place, so I’ve been waiting for this moment!

Not certain how might go yet I should go for broke.

Presently you should contemplate where these applications will show up.

Amazon Fire tablets

Amazon Fire television

Amazon AppStore (just for Windows)

Your application will show up on Amazon Fire Tablets, Amazon Fire television, and Amazon AppStore on Windows 11.

5. Audio

This is brand-new. I had no idea that Amazon helped musicians before!

Have you caught wind of Tunecore on Amazon Music? It’s this marvelous help for music lovers. With Tunecore, craftsmen can undoubtedly transfer their tracks and have them appropriated to in excess of 150 stores universally, including large ones like Amazon, Spotify, iTunes, and Google Play. It only requires you to create a Tunecore account, upload your music, and once it has been approved (which takes time, so be patient!), your tunes are prepared for your fans.

6. Videos

Despite my lack of interest in this, I decided to include it here. Perhaps it’s helpful for you.

On the off chance that you are into an efficient —

Making films

Television series

Or on the other hand anything like this

Then I would enthusiastically suggest utilizing Prime Video Direct. Here your recordings can be utilized to purchase or they might lease it for a couple of hours or days.

I think this is the sort of thing exceptionally new that Amazon is doing. a far superior alternative to the conventional method of monetizing your videos.

Benefits of selling digital goods on Amazon

I’ve talked a lot about why I prefer selling digital goods. The idea of selling things I can make myself is something I adore.

Furthermore, there are a couple of justifications for why Amazon Stands apart from the rest —

Wide crowd base — I genuinely want to believe that you definitely know the number of clients Amazon that has. A huge number of clients come to Amazon to purchase their next item. I truly love to see that it’s not about KDP however accepts other Amazon organizations also like Merchandise, their Appstore, and so forth.

Amazon is trusted by buyers— I have purchased numerous books and laptop accessories from the company. My total YouTube set is from Amazon too (Overhauled when I got my fifteenth deal from YouTube!). I also bought a few dresses; my favorite boots, among other things. Since I trust the items and I’m certain you do as well! There are millions who think something very similar!

Moment access — Clients trust Amazon and furthermore they get moment admittance to their computerized items. There will be no more waiting for the order to be completed! When I purchase an ebook from Amazon, the transfer to my Kindle app only takes a few seconds!

No ventures — With regards to making computerized items the speculation is least to none. Before I received my first dollar, I had barely spent anything.

Amazon handles conveyance of documents — Putting away computerized records that clients can download after the installment can be a troublesome undertaking. I have gone the distance and wide to track down the answer for that. It tends to be expensive assuming you do that with your own site! Therefore, everything from your merchandise to book printing is handled by Amazon here!

It is accessible worldwide—When I publish my ebooks, they are immediately accessible worldwide.

It is highly scalable—under what conditions? I am free to publish as much as I like! I have more than 100+ books to date!

Three ways to sell digital products on Amazon

As an Amazon ebook seller and digital creator, my top priority is expanding my audience.

Yet, the inquiry is the way to precisely make it happen.

We as a whole need this right? Every time I start a new side business (I have three small businesses that consistently bring in money, but two of them are dead!) I generally make a point to track down the market.

I always wonder, “How can I reach more people?”


Because more people will buy my products the more they see.

assuming you are into any business, simply see your details for one year. You will comprehend what I mean. Many people are unaware of this secret. In the event that you have perused this far, you have found the mystery as well.

S‍o, I’m posting here 3 manners by which you could not just sell your advanced items at any point yet in addition increment your deals on Amazon.

Let’s take a look at three strategies for selling digital products on Amazon and increasing sales:

Stage 1 — Exploration — I use devices once in a while here. However, this can be costly. I won’t encourage you to do so if you’re just starting out. Use the Amazon search bar to access the official website. You’ll draw near to your top of the line item via looking through on Amazon’s true site. I double-check it with Google Trends as well. You can as well. It is free and easy to use.

Step 2: Content Creation and Comments – I would suggest taking your time when creating content. so you won’t have to review it after it’s published! Alongside that.. if conceivable.. then take input on your work. You might go to the specialty local area and ask physically or gather messages of perusers intrigued and give them a period limit for the work. The last one has always been effective for authors.

Stage 3 — Distribute — Presently time to distribute the item on Amazon. In the event that its a digital book, use Amazon KDP, etc. Advance since despite the fact that you might have done areas of strength for exceptionally you actually need more eyes on your items. Never rely upon one traffic source.


I’ll end it here for the time being. I surmise I have gone somewhat far with this article yet I trust this takes care of your inquiries. If not, kindly inform me in the comments!



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