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India is very famous for its temples. Thousands and thousands of temples built and maintained from time immemorial. The sculptures and the building techniques will speak itself the glory of the great tradition.

Madurai is situated at 462 kilometers south of Chennai (Madras as it was known in earlier times). The famous Meenakshi Amman Temple is located in the centre of the city. Inside the temple, there are famous halls like Marriage Hall, Thousand Pillar Hall etc.

The Thousand Pillar Hall is very famous for its beautiful construction.













  1. Copy our given matter and paste in to given same field and earn with this.
  2. In free plan you can copy paste maximum 10 data per day only. And 30 days work minimum you have to do for qualify work or payment.
  3. Above in right side you will see COPY DATA FROM HERE button. Go with this and new page will open.
  4. Now you can see days and data no there.
  5. Here also in this same page you will see your day no and data no also.
  6. So in next open page select day and data no same according which is showing in this same page.
  7. Copy data from new open page like title / matter / description / author bio and paste here in above give field. That's all. And for every completed work you can see your earning in your profile area also.
  8. For Title/Matter/Description/Author bio you have to click on next button in new page.
  9. For every 30 days 10 different different data available for you. So fill right data in right day only.
  10. In payment time we will check your work also that you have done your work in correct way or not?
  11. If we will found you have not done your work in correct way then your account can be disable any time.


Right now only few free plans are availeble. Very soon we will make other plans also free. So check this site daily. Meanwhile you can start with available free work.

We have mention all instruction and work here in website. So please read everything carefully before starting the work.

There are different ways you can profit working from your home. One of them is Copy Paste occupations.

The activity is very like different information passage employments. Be that as it may, copy paste employments are bit extraordinary. They are simple contrasted with information passage employments. The activity is non-specialized and it doesn't require any instructive capability and earlier work involvement.

In this article, we give full insights about the copy paste occupations like what does the activity involves how you can discover honest to goodness copy paste employments and how much cash you can make. So let us begin.


Who All Can Look for Copy Paste Jobs

I need, to be straightforward here. Copy Paste Jobs or so far as that is concerned any information passage occupations are not for individuals who are driven and need to accomplish something more in their life. In the event that you need to accomplish something important in your life then you can go for other online occupations.

Be that as it may, on the off chance that you are a housewife, understudy, resigned, jobless or searching for an additional wage at that point copy paste employments are the best for you. You can do appropriate from the solace of your home in the event that you have a PC.

Copy Paste employments are most appropriate for individuals who are not extremely eager and simply need to profit to pay their bills.


Reasons Why Copy Paste Jobs are the Best

Copy Paste employments are better than average on account of numerous reasons.

Work From Home: Off course you can telecommute. You don't need to drive for extended periods every day. You can work while having a PC on your bed.


What Does Copy Paste Jobs Involve?

What will your activity be?

More often than not Copy Paste Jobs are tied in with copying and sticking substance or information starting with one document then onto the next. For instance, you will be requested to copy information starting with one exceed expectations spreadsheet then onto the next spreadsheet. Or then again you need to copy information starting with one MS Word archive then onto the next report.

Information can be anything like names, telephone number, email addresses, places of residence and so on. You may likewise need to do the essential organizing for both exceed expectations and word archives.

Be that as it may, you need to complete several such reports in a single day. Copy Paste employments are fundamentally the same as information passage occupations. Copy paste employments may sound simple to you anyway they aren't on account of you need to complete such a large number of reports in only one day.

The copy paste employments may not be exceptionally specialized but rather the workload can be heavier. You need the persistence to sit and take a shot at the PC for extended periods.


Distinctive Types of Copy Paste Jobs

To get more thoughts you have to know diverse sorts of copy paste employments.

1. Word to PDF Copy Paste Jobs: You need to copy information starting with single word record then onto the next and afterward transform it into a PDF report.

2. Exceed expectations to Word or Excel to Excel: Here information must be replicated from one exceed expectations spreadsheet to a word archive and furthermore from exceed expectations to exceed expectations spreadsheet.

3. Visual Basic or Visual Studio from Copy Paste: Here you need to paste information into frames. The information can be a name, email address, telephone number and so forth.

4. HTML Form Testing Jobs: You will fill HTML shapes.

5. Receipt Generating: You may have seen bills or receipt, you need to copy paste solicitations into another archive.

So these were few copy paste employments that you may need to do.

How to Find Genuine Copy Paste Jobs?

This is the most imperative passage in the whole article. There are number of approaches to discover it however you have to pick a honest to goodness copy paste work in light of the fact that the vast majority of such occupations are misrepresentation.


There are few inquiries that you should ask an organization before you begin working for them.

You can begin looking on the web. Go to Google and scan for catchphrase "Copy Paste Jobs", you may discover numerous organizations. Pick an organization that has a contact number and an office.

You should converse with them on telephone and even visit their office. Ensure that they additionally have client bolster. Try not to pay any enrollment expenses on the off chance that you can't converse with them.

Request that the organization give them tributes. Additionally, get some information about different individuals who have officially joined and working for the organization. Try not to pay them any cash unless you experience previously mentioned advances.


How is Copy Paste Jobs Different than Ad Posting Jobs?

You should remember that copy paste employments are not same as promotion posting occupations. Advertisement posting employments are online occupations where you post promotions on the web.

You download information from an ordered webpage; you copy all the substance at that point paste the information with given subtle elements into a picture and transfer every one of the advertisements with content on a given arranged site.

You need to keep all the URL connections of the advertisements distributed and submit to the organization with the goal that they can pay you for the work you have recently wrapped up. So this was about promotion posting employments.

You can without much of a stretch discover there is nothing regular about promotion posting occupations and copy paste jobs.In truth, advertisement posting is more troublesome contrasted with the copy paste employments.


The amount Money Can You Earn?

You may jump at the chance to know what amount would you be able to make with copy paste occupations. All things considered, it relies upon the organization you are working with and furthermore how much function are you willing to take.

It relies upon what number of passages a document has and what number of records a venture comprises of. On the off chance that you take few tasks then you can make Rs 5000 to Rs 20000 every month.

Try not to take it as the last word. You need to enquire to the organization before you begin working.


Scarcely any Problems with Copy Paste Jobs

Before you take a dive I should caution you that copy paste occupations are exceptionally hard to get a hold of.

In spite of the fact that there are daily papers loaded with advertisements promising copy paste occupations. The majority of them are simply misrepresentation. They will approach you cash for the enrollment and after that they will give you no activity. So you need to buckle down with a specific end goal to locate a bona fide copy paste organization.

I didn't give you the name of organizations since they might be available now yet could vanish in coming months.

So you need to locate a veritable organization all alone.